I have been trying to find someone to take our family pics forever but everyone I found was asking an outragous price. So I called my ever so talented cousin Chelsi to see if she knew anyone that would do it for cheap. And she volenteered! I have to admit at first I was a little skeptical because she didn't really have too much experience but I thought I would give it a try. They turned out amazing! This picture is one of many I will post the rest when she get through with them. Thanks so much chels I truly don't know what I would do without you! You do my hair, take my family pictures, what can't you do!
I LOVE them shay! I sure hope you send me some of those photos out to aunt meg and uncle Joe!
Cute pic! She did good.
So yea that is really cool that you guys are in our ward. It's always fun when you know someone....especially in RS, I'm always sitting alone cuz I still have no calling! I don't know how I have flown under the radar for this long but oh well! See you soon:)
She did such a good job taking pictures. Very cute kids. I love them. I want to see more.
i love the pictures shay. those are some cute kids you have. that chelsi girl is pretty awesome. she just did quinton's pictures too. what a woman. sorry i missed the scentsy party. chels said it was pretty fun. darn it.
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