Monday, July 27, 2009

Mike's graduation and the big 25!

We have had a crazy couple of days. Mike graduated from college on thursday. We are so excited that he is finally done! It only took him 6 years We are so happy that he is done and we can close that chapter in our lives. I am so proud of him. Having a family, working full time and going to school full time isn't easy. He graduated the same time as his little sister Lesli and her husband Dan so it was really fun to see them all together.

Dan, Lesli and Mike

Mikes parents us and my parents
Then on Friday was my 25th birthday. I know I am getting way old. I had a great day. My parents had a little party at there house for me. I am very spoiled with all the presents I got. Mike got me a new camera! I was so excited. It is a Nikon D40. It is sooo nice. I can't wait to learn how to use it better. Thanks everyone for the wonderful day!

Then saturday we went up to the cabin. The Taylor side of my family had a little reuion up there. It was a blast. I just love spending time up there its so beautiful and relaxing!

My brother doing tricks on the wakeboard

Livvy and my cousin whitneys little quinton

Caden and aunt Tina catching crawdads

Then Sunday we went to a farwell for my cousin Ryan. We had a great weekend it was so much fun to see everyone again.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dead Camera

A few days ago we had a very tragic accident with my camera. We were at swimming lessons with Caden and I was taking some pictures of him and I turned my head for a second and my cousin Chelsi says "is he going to jump?" I look over and Caden is standing at the deep end of the pool ready to jump in. I yelled at him to get back on the stairs with his class but he just gave me a big smile and jumped right in! So I get up with Livvy in one hand and my camera in the other and run over to the pool and I was able to grab him before he sunk clear to the bottom. When I got him out and saw that he was ok I realized that my camera was sitting at the bottom of the pool.
Mike is working on it but I don't think there is much hope it was down there a pretty long time. I am pretty sad but I would rather have my camera drown than my kid! We are very glad Caden is ok and maybe I will get a new camera for my birthday (Mike hint hint)

4th of July

I just love the 4th of July it is my favorite holiday. Mike proposed 5 years ago on the 4th of July. I love the parade and the cookouts and fireworks and spending time with friends and family. This year we spent most of the time with my family. My cousin Jessica blessed her baby on Sunday so I had a lot of family up and it was so good to see everyone.

Livvy and Grandma
Caden and Grandpa